Professional Programmer Notes

or just call this my soapbox

Archive for November 2011

Don’t let my face stop you from giving to a good cause

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Hey You,

As you may or may not know, I’m participating in a very exciting event called Movember. It is when people everywhere set their own pride and vanity aside, and grow mustaches throughout November to raise money to help combat common Men’s health issues like Prostate Cancer.

One requirement was to start the month cleanly shaven. Here is me on November 2nd:

Clean shaven

Look Ma! No mustache!

Here is what I looked like on November 11th:

Barely a mustache as of 11-11-11

Stache still missing

If the whole purpose of Movember is to grow a mustache in order to raise awareness, I am failing badly. I can’t help it. My face just isn’t cooperating.

However, I still owe it to you, LexisNexis (my company and Movember team), to provide something that will raise awareness and money for the cause.

Without further ado, here are some pics of me with potential mustaches.

Michael Jordan Stache

My Michael Jordan Stache

Michael Jordan Mustache

Michael Jordan's Hanes Mustache

My Juan Valdez Stache

My Juan Valdez Stache

Juan Valdez

Juan Valdez

Obviously, I need help. I’m borderline desperate. Since my mustache refuses to work with me on this, please work with me on this. Checkout my Movember page and donate dollars to the cause.

UPDATE (11.18.2011)

Hulkamania Stache

Written by curtismitchell

November 11, 2011 at 11:32 am