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Archive for March 2009

Improve page load performance in your ASP.NET MVC site

with 3 comments

As ASP.NET MVC become more popular in the enterprise and behind high-traffic commercial web sites (like, developers will look for ways to increase performance.

One well known way to increase performance of any website is to combine files to minimize HTTP requests (see Yahoo! Performance Rules). The reason is that most modern browsers use two threads to load a given page and all of its assets (css, js, images, etc.). This post will give a quick walk-through of an ASP.NET MVC implementation of a CSS consolidator.

In typical MVC fashion, I will give a quick breakdown of the model, the view, and the controller.

Let’s start with the controller.

My controller has one need: it provides a pretty url for me to point my tag to retrieve passed-in stylesheets. I implemented a controller called StaticController and gave it an action called CSS. Here is a snapshot of the action:

        public ActionResult CSS(string id)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) return View();

            string[] filenames = id.Split(',');
            string path = HttpContext.Request.ServerVariables["APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH"];
            path = String.Concat(path, @"Content\"); // path to css files

            string cssData = Models.StaticCSS.GetContent(filenames, path);
            ViewData["css"] = cssData;

            return View();

Quick explanation of the above code:
The action uses the default MVC routes (for simplicity). So, the id parameter is used to pass a comma-delimited string of stylesheet names. The path to the Content directory (the default folder for stylesheets) is derived, combined with each file name in the id parameter and passed to the model.

Let’s see how our model works.

The model is named StaticCSS and here are the methods:

        public static string GetContent(string[] filenames, string cssDir)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            if (filenames.Length == 0 || String.IsNullOrEmpty(cssDir))
return String.Empty;

            foreach (string f in filenames)
                string filepath = (f.EndsWith(".css")) ?
String.Concat(cssDir, f) : String.Concat(cssDir, f, ".css");
                sb.Append(@"/* Start CSS file */");
                sb.Append(@"/* End CSS file */");

            return sb.ToString();

        public static string GetFileContents(string file)
                using (TextReader textReader = new StreamReader(file))
                    return textReader.ReadToEnd();


            return String.Empty;

Quick explanation:
The public static method, GetContent loops through a list of files, combines their contents into a string, and return the string. The GetFileContents method opens the file and returns the contents.

If we look back at the remaining code in our action:

            ViewData["css"] = cssData;

            return View();

We are adding the css file contents to the ViewData hash and calling the view.

Here are the important parts of the view:

    Response.ContentType = "text/css";
    Response.ContentEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;
    Response.Write( Server.HtmlDecode(ViewData["css"].ToString()) );

We are setting the content-type to “text/css”, which is important in standard-compliant browsers (not IE). We’re setting the encoding dumping the content to the page. These three lines essentially turn the view into a standard css file.

Finally, to use this code I would simply add the following line to any view requiring css files:

<link href="/Static/CSS/cssfile1,cssfile2,cssfile3" rel="stylesheet" />

This would download cssfile1, cssfile2, and cssfile3 in one HTTP request instead of three.

This is a simplistic approach that doesn’t care (yet) about the amount of memory used to load very large css files. But, if you choose to follow this model, I would love to hear how it performs for you.

Written by curtismitchell

March 17, 2009 at 10:42 pm

Posted in .net, CSharp

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